Get involved
We serve 50 - 70 Men per night, we've had up to 85 on very cold winter nights.
- Warm Clean bed
- Hot shower
- A warm home cooked meal
- Work/Job referrals
- Low income housing referrals
This is a Body Ministry
That means we need you! You can cook and serve dinner, help with construction, do an opening shift & really get to know the guys!
Since 2003 so many have found out it just isn't what you'd expect.
We will refer Men that have proven themselves to be trust worthy and reliable when it comes to you needing a good employee, they volunteer at the shelter during construction as well as daily upkeep of the building, computer and people skills are taught and required to be a volunteer, they learn to serve others as they are rebuilding their lives.
Since 2003
What we do:
Truth Ministries serves some of the most troubled in Spokane’s homeless society, often rejected by other agencies, spanning from young adult to elderly. Clients of Truth Ministries are frequently drug addicted, alcoholic and mentally ill individuals, without the critical work related and social skills to function independently in society. Truth Ministries works with other agencies to try and direct these men to services that will attempt to rehabilitate them. We also work with the homeless to attempt to get them into low income housing on a more permanent basis and we coordinate these efforts with other agencies to do so. As of 2023 Truth has had over 20 years experience in working directly with the Department of Corrections, Police, Hospitals and other homeless agencies to provide nightly shelter and meals as well as referrals for drug/alcohol programs and housing. We work in conjunction with and cross-refer homeless men with Union Gospel Mission, House of Charity and Salvation Army. In this coordinated effort, Truth Ministries is hopeful that all of the needs of the homeless men in Spokane are met on any given night.